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Multi-Asset Class Bespoke
Discretionary Investment Solutions
Digital Client
Client Focused
Investment Ideas

Our Approach

Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy at O-IM is to create portfolios that are tailored to our investors’ requirements. This can range from risk-rated managed portfolios, bespoke mandates and research driven investment ideas. Using a broad range of asset classes enables us to create portfolios which aim to provide better risk and return outcomes, without expensive fees. Our ability to deploy risk across asset classes, geographies and sectors enables us to effectively achieve portfolio diversification.

We feel passive funds, actively managed funds and direct equities can be used effectively based on your objectives and risk appetite.

Investment Approach

An approach we favour is to invest in quality growth companies at a reasonable price (GARP), with our initial screening process identifying companies with sustained and sustainable revenue growth, balance sheet strength, strong margins and cash flow generation at a reasonable price.

In global developed markets, we typically allocate to direct equities (unless it is a low-risk portfolio). For Emerging Markets, we look to invest with active managers with a strong on the ground presence. For fixed income, we believe that the most efficient way to achieve the duration required is through passive exposure via ETFs. We gain selected commodity exposure via trackers.

Portfolio Construction

O-IM’s ethos is to maintain a carefully constructed diversified portfolio, where we expertly analyse each investment and identify the most appropriate opportunities for our investors.

A key component of portfolio construction at O-IM is how we assign weightings to different asset classes, geographies, and individual securities.

  • We not only consider the current economic landscape, but also key industry developments.
  • Our team performs detailed research for individual security selection.
  • We identify key drivers of company value through public information, research tools and industry relationships, including site visits. This enables us to conduct analysis of fundamental information that supports our assessment of an investment opportunity.

When selecting funds for a portfolio, we perform detailed analyses of many aspects of the fund such as the manager, their strategy, ongoing fees, and historical performance.

Risk Management

Every day we pro-actively monitor the assets on our buy list and perform ongoing analyses of individual securities in the portfolio.

We hold highly liquid assets that allow us to alter risk exposure, in response to market conditions, on a portfolio or security level, to ensure we are doing everything we can to meet your objectives. All our portfolios are managed against the agreed investment mandate, and we have sophisticated controls to monitor those parameters on an ongoing basis. Utilising various risk management techniques, such as stress testing, we review the ongoing impact of market conditions on your asset allocation to ensure your portfolio remains within the agreed risk profile.